Tuesday, April 1, 2008

American Idol does Dolly...

Really, y'all? Dolly? And only Dolly songs? At least with just the country theme they can pick all kinds of things, but just Dolly? Yikes.

Brooke "Jolene" It's sweet and her voice sounds similar to Dolly's, but it's not too interesting. Is "busking" Simon's new insult this season? I guess he couldn't accuse of her sounding like a lounge singer.

David C. "Little Sparrow" Not a Dolly song I'm familiar with. Probably the way to go, since I can only hear Dolly singing Jolene. They've totally redone his hair. I think it really showed off his voice, but wasn't my favorite of his performances. I won't be downloading it off iTunes tomorrow (I totally downloaded Eleanor Rigby and Billie Jean)- that's not a criticism of his performance but of the song.

Ramiele "Do I Ever Cross Your Mind" Um, well, it was better than she's been in the past couple of weeks, but still just there. Oh, good to see Simon's breaking out the good ole "cruise ship" line.

Jason "Traveling Through" Probably a good song choice for him. It's a bit more upbeat and forces him to do something other than just sing random words, which it kind of seems like he's done (see Michele for reference). It reminded me of someone - Jack Johnson? Someone like that. That's a good thing for me.

Carly "Here You Come Again" This just sounds like something from the easy-listening station back in the late 70s early 80s. Is that when Dolly did it? Maybe that makes sense. I just don't get her. She looks prettier than usual tonight. But still stiff.

David A. "Smoky Mountain Memories" Shut up, kid. Okay, he's singing it fine. But the overacting as he sings "hey folks, I really feel this" just seems so fake. Or I just don't like him and am being a judgemental bitch.

Kristy "Coat of Many Colors" I love this song. And country works for Kristy. So let's see what happens. Still with the weird facial expressions. Is she barefoot? I'm not sure a story-song works on American Idol. The chorus is very nice, though.

Syesha "I Will Always Love You" Okay, Dolly's version of this is one of the most heartbreaking and heartfelt songs ever sung. And Whitney's version is powerful and just huge. I'm worried about this song choice. She's going somewhere in between and kind of ends up weaker than both. That last note seemed like the vocal equivalent of a figure skater who missed all her jumps adding one off routine jump to impress.

Michael Johns "It's all wrong but it's all right" This reminds me of something. And I don't think it's just the ascot. It's that guitar, but I can't think of what it's reminding me of. Very bluesy and cool.

My bottom three: Kristy, David A., Ramiele
My predicted actual bottom three: Ramiele, Syesha, Brooke with Ramiele leaving us on Idol tomorrow

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